Appendix A - Acronyms

Formulae Anachronisms

AGC Angle to Galactic Center (see also )
ASD Apparent Stellar Distance between any two objects. This usually refers to the distance between the 0,0,0 coordinate and a star. This is also = T of the star.
ASD1 Apparent Stellar Distance after 1 year, used to find the Annual Shifts for X, Y, Z and T (XAZ, YAS, ZAS and TAS)
ASP Apparent Stellar Position given in X, Y, Z, and T
AVT Average Velocity of Travel of a starship.
CET Current Earth Time used as a basis for all SGC T measurements.
DDP Distance from 0,0,0 to drop point of star on XY plane, used to find the Z coordinate value of a star or object. (see also )
dec declination (Earth polar)
Gd Galactic declination
Gd1 Galactic declination after one year of measurement
Gr Galactic Right Ascension
Grd Galactic declination to the Real Stellar Position of a star
Grr Galactic Right Ascension to the Real Stellar Position of a star
Gr1 Galactic Right Ascension after one year of measurement
G Stellar angle of Proper Motion based on galactic polar
NPI Nearest Point of Intersection - where a starship's trajectory will meet a moving star.
OEM Overall Error of Measurement, an accepted limit to accuracy of stellar measurements.
PM Proper Motion of a star given in degrees
RA Right Ascension (Earth polar)
RSD Real Stellar Distance to a star or object. This is also the star's or object's Tr
RSP Real Stellar Position given in Xr, Yr, Zr and Tr
RV Radial Velocity
SC SGC Space Curvature coordinate. (theoretical)
SGC Shuster Galactic Coordinates
SGM Solar Galactic Movement - the movement of our Sun around the galaxy.
Point abbreviations (see table 6.1.1 for general rules and examples.)
General rule for point abbreviations:
(Star or Object) ' (XYZT) (type of coordinate in lowercase) ' (viewpoint in lowercase) ' (Current Earth Time)
S'ASD The distance from 0,0,0 to the Apparent Stellar Position of star S. 
S'ASD'm The distance from point M to the Apparent Stellar Position of star S (A transcient value)
S'Grd'm The real galactic declination of star S, as viewed from point M.
S'Grr'm The real galactic Right Ascension of star S, as viewed from point M.
S'Gd'm The galactic declination to the Apparent Stellar Position of star S as viewed from point M. 
S'Gr'm The galactic Right Ascension to the Apparent Stellar Position of star S as viewed from point M.
S'T The apparent T position of star S as viewed from point 0,0,0, also may be referred to as T.
S'T'm The apparent T position of star S as viewed from point M.
S'RSD The distance from 0,0,0 to the Real Stellar Position of star S, also may be referred to as RSD.
S'RSD'm The distance from point M to the Real Stellar Position of star S.
S'X The apparent X position of star S as viewed from point 0,0,0, also may be referred to as X.
S'X'm The apparent X position of star S as viewed from point M.
S'Y The apparent Y position of star S as viewed from point 0,0,0, also may be referred to as Y.
S'Y'm The apparent Y position of star S as viewed from point M.
S'Z The apparent Z position of star S as viewed from point 0,0,0, also may be referred to as Z.
S'Z'm The apparent Z position of star S as viewed from point M.
***** End of Point Abbreviation section *****
T Time SGC coordinate based on distance from Earth = ASD
TAS Time coordinate annual shift
Tr Time coordinate based on a real position = RSD
u Proper Motion in degrees
u1 Adjusted Proper Motion to calculate Real Stellar Positions
v Used in Chapter 4 as the angle from the star to the Earth pole and the galactic pole.
v Used in Chapter 8 as velocity (original established relativity formula)
X X SGC coordinate based on positive = solar movement in galactic orbit 
XAS X Annual Shift
Xr X coordinate based on a real position
X'm The real X coordinate of point M.
Y Y SGC coordinate based on negative = galactic center
YAS Y Annual Shift
Yr Y coordinate based on a real position
Z Z SGC coordinate based on positive = galactic north
ZAS Z Annual Shift
Zr Z coordinate based on a real position
The angle from Earth polar to the galactic center
Earth Polar declination of the North Galactic Pole
Earth Polar Right Ascension of the north galactic pole
Drop point of star to XY Plane (see also DDP)
The Earth polar angle to the galactic center.
Direction of Proper Motion based on Earth Polar

SGC Table of Contents

Appendix B

Last updated: October 3, 2002  |