Formulae Anachronisms |
AGC | Angle to Galactic Center (see also ![]() |
ASD | Apparent Stellar Distance between any two objects. This usually refers to the distance between the 0,0,0 coordinate and a star. This is also = T of the star. |
ASD1 | Apparent Stellar Distance after 1 year, used to find the Annual Shifts for X, Y, Z and T (XAZ, YAS, ZAS and TAS) |
ASP | Apparent Stellar Position given in X, Y, Z, and T |
AVT | Average Velocity of Travel of a starship. |
CET | Current Earth Time used as a basis for all SGC T measurements. |
DDP | Distance from 0,0,0 to drop point of star on XY plane, used to find
the Z coordinate value of a star or object. (see also ![]() |
dec | declination (Earth polar) |
Gd | Galactic declination |
Gd1 | Galactic declination after one year of measurement |
Gr | Galactic Right Ascension |
Grd | Galactic declination to the Real Stellar Position of a star |
Grr | Galactic Right Ascension to the Real Stellar Position of a star |
Gr1 | Galactic Right Ascension after one year of measurement |
G![]() |
Stellar angle of Proper Motion based on galactic polar |
NPI | Nearest Point of Intersection - where a starship's trajectory will meet a moving star. |
OEM | Overall Error of Measurement, an accepted limit to accuracy of stellar measurements. |
PM | Proper Motion of a star given in degrees |
RA | Right Ascension (Earth polar) |
RSD | Real Stellar Distance to a star or object. This is also the star's or object's Tr |
RSP | Real Stellar Position given in Xr, Yr, Zr and Tr |
RV | Radial Velocity |
SC | SGC Space Curvature coordinate. (theoretical) |
SGC | Shuster Galactic Coordinates |
SGM | Solar Galactic Movement - the movement of our Sun around the galaxy. |
Point abbreviations (see table 6.1.1 for general rules and examples.) | |
General rule for point abbreviations:
(Star or Object) ' (XYZT) (type of coordinate in lowercase) ' (viewpoint in lowercase) ' (Current Earth Time) |
S'ASD | The distance from 0,0,0 to the Apparent Stellar Position of star S. |
S'ASD'm | The distance from point M to the Apparent Stellar Position of star S (A transcient value) |
S'Grd'm | The real galactic declination of star S, as viewed from point M. |
S'Grr'm | The real galactic Right Ascension of star S, as viewed from point M. |
S'Gd'm | The galactic declination to the Apparent Stellar Position of star S as viewed from point M. |
S'Gr'm | The galactic Right Ascension to the Apparent Stellar Position of star S as viewed from point M. |
S'T | The apparent T position of star S as viewed from point 0,0,0, also may be referred to as T. |
S'T'm | The apparent T position of star S as viewed from point M. |
S'RSD | The distance from 0,0,0 to the Real Stellar Position of star S, also may be referred to as RSD. |
S'RSD'm | The distance from point M to the Real Stellar Position of star S. |
S'X | The apparent X position of star S as viewed from point 0,0,0, also may be referred to as X. |
S'X'm | The apparent X position of star S as viewed from point M. |
S'Y | The apparent Y position of star S as viewed from point 0,0,0, also may be referred to as Y. |
S'Y'm | The apparent Y position of star S as viewed from point M. |
S'Z | The apparent Z position of star S as viewed from point 0,0,0, also may be referred to as Z. |
S'Z'm | The apparent Z position of star S as viewed from point M. |
***** End of Point Abbreviation section ***** | |
T | Time SGC coordinate based on distance from Earth = ASD |
TAS | Time coordinate annual shift |
Tr | Time coordinate based on a real position = RSD |
u | Proper Motion in degrees |
u1 | Adjusted Proper Motion to calculate Real Stellar Positions |
v | Used in Chapter 4 as the angle from the star to the Earth pole and the galactic pole. |
v | Used in Chapter 8 as velocity (original established relativity formula) |
X | X SGC coordinate based on positive = solar movement in galactic orbit |
XAS | X Annual Shift |
Xr | X coordinate based on a real position |
X'm | The real X coordinate of point M. |
Y | Y SGC coordinate based on negative = galactic center |
YAS | Y Annual Shift |
Yr | Y coordinate based on a real position |
Z | Z SGC coordinate based on positive = galactic north |
ZAS | Z Annual Shift |
Zr | Z coordinate based on a real position |
![]() |
The angle from Earth polar to the galactic center |
![]() |
Earth Polar declination of the North Galactic Pole |
![]() |
Earth Polar Right Ascension of the north galactic pole |
![]() |
Drop point of star to XY Plane (see also DDP) |
![]() |
The Earth polar angle to the galactic center. |
![]() |
Direction of Proper Motion based on Earth Polar |