In Saturn's Ring 01 - Alternate shoot

"We all dream of having the ability to fly. Unlike most people in earlier generations, people living now have dreams of flying in space. In Saturn's Rings plays your dreams right before your eyes.

2. Pan Am Space Clipper docks with Space Station V
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
2001 a space odyssey Pan Am Clipper

"You begin with an artifact left on earth four million years ago by extraterrestrial explorers who observed the behavior of the man-apes of the time and decided to influence their evolutionary progression.

Then you have a second artifact buried deep on the lunar surface and programmed to signal word of man's first baby steps into the universe -- a kind of cosmic burglar alarm."
  - Stanley Kubrick - interview with Joseph Gellmis

3. Planet Earth - BBC (Music: Sigur Ros - Hoppipolla)
BBC PLanet Earth

BBC / Discovery Channel / NHK in association with the CBC for BBC America, the original"Planet Earth"series, which has captivated audiences around the world in over 130 counties.

4. Samsara"The ever turning wheel of life"

Samsara view

Filmed over five years in twenty-five countries, Samsara is a new, non-verbal documentary from filmmakers

Ron Fricke and Mark Magidson. The wonderful vocalist and composer Lisa Gerrard co-composed the SAMSARA soundtrack.

5. The Martian

During a manned mission to Mars, Astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon) is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew. But Watney has survived and finds

himself stranded and alone on Mars. With limited supplies, he must draw upon his ingenuity, wit and spirit to subsist and find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive.

6. Skyfall

Skyfall 007

"It's about how he gets up when he's knocked down. I love the fact that Bond takes a lot of battering, and so he should -- he's an agent, and he's up to that. But it's how he stands up to adversity, where he's one

against many, usually. As long as we can keep that interesting, and how he deals with those situations, then it's worth making the movies."
  - Daniel Craig

7. GoPro HERO3 Black Edition

GoPro Hero3

Music: Overwerk - 'Daybreak'

From the EP 'After Hours'

8. Tomorrowland

"Bound by a shared destiny, a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy-genius inventor jaded by disillusionment embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place, somewhere in time and space

that exists in their collective memory as 'Tomorrowland.'"

9. Avatar - Pandora Discovered


On Avatar II  "It's going to be a lot of new imagery and a lot of new environments and creatures across Pandora. We're blowing it out all over the place. At first I thought I was going to take it onto other worlds as well, in the same solar system, but it turned out not to be necessary.

I mean the Pandora that we have imagined will be a fantasy land that is going to occupy people for decades to come..."
  - James Cameron

10. Star Trek - Into Darkness
Star Trek Into Darkness

"The first screening of the movie we had with an audience was the premier at the Sydney Opera House and that was an

incredible evening. It was so big that I couldn't tell if they hated the movie or not. I couldn't tell what the reaction was. And I was fairly certain that they didn't like it because it was such a big place and you couldn't hear the audience the way that you can in a normal movie theatre and then when it was over they gave it a two minute standing ovation and it was just this crazy relief of 'oh OK, they didn't hate it.."That was really nice.
  - J. J. Abrams

11. Star Trek - Beyond

Star Trek Beyond

The USS Enterprise crew explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a mysterious new enemy who puts them and everything the Federation stands for to the test.

"He likes that seat..."

12. Interstellar

"The answers kept coming back from Kip's friend Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk, emphasizing the reality of our situation, which is that humanity, for our entire history, has existed only in one very

specific point in space-time. Kip and I spent one very memorable afternoon with a group of biologists and astrobiologists, considering all the different ways in which life could be extinguished from this planet - and the more urgent the question seemed, or the proposition seemed, that we [should] find other perches in this universe."
  - Jonathan Nolan

13. Star Wars Episode VII - The Force Awakens - #1

Star Wars Force Awakens #1
14. Star Wars Episode VII - The Force Awakens #3
Star Wars Force Awakens #3

Directed by JJ Abrams, the film picks up three decades after the events of Return of the Jedi.

   "The Force...
    It's calling to you.
    Just let it in."

Anthony Daniels, Mark Hamill, Andy Serkis, Oscar Iassac, John Boyega, Adam Driver, Billie Lourd, Carrie Fisher, Gwendoline Christie, Oscar Isaac.

15. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story #1

16. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story #2

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Directed by JJ Abrams, Rebels set out on a mission to steal the plans for the Death Star.

17. Star Wars Episode VIII - The Last Jedi #1

18. Star Wars Episode VIII - The Last Jedi #2

19. Star Wars - Solo

Star Wars - The Last Jedi #1

Star Wars - Solo

Directed by Rian Johnson, Having taken her first steps into a larger world in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Rey continues her epic journey with Finn, Poe and Luke Skywalker in the next chapter of the saga.

Board the Millennium Falcon and journey to a galaxy far, far away in Solo: A Star Wars Story, an all-new adventure with the most beloved scoundrel in the galaxy, in theaters in May 2018.

20. Passengers

A spacecraft traveling to a distant planet, transporting thousands of people, has a malfunction. As a result, two passengers are awakened 90 years early.

Directed by Morten Tyldum, with Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Pratt, Michael Sheen, Laurence Fishburne, Andy Garcia, Vince Foster, Kara Flowers, Conor Brophy, Julee Cerda, Aurora Perrineau, Lauren Farmer

21. Contact - Opening Scene Galactic pullback

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."

"Our Solar System consists of one star and some debris."
  - Carl Sagan

22. Contact - Trans-Galactic highways

"A triple, no... quadruple system. It's beautiful."

If we are alone in the Universe, it sure seems like an awful waste of space.
  - Carl Sagan"

"A sad spectacle. If they be inhabited, what a scope for misery and folly. If they be not inhabited, what a waste of space."
  - Thomas Carlyle

23. Richard Strauss - Also sprach Zarathustra
From Lunar orbit

2001 OPening Clip

Short Videos

24. Mars: Flight Into Mariner Valley

The left image shows a spectacular view of the sunlit cliffs and basaltic sand dunes in southern Melas Chasma.

This is Mars, as it is rarely seen, in full, realistic color.

Mars view 1
Mars view 2

25. Scale of Earth, Sun, Rigel and UV Canopus Majoris

Scale of Earth

Created by
Secular Astronomer a YouTube channel.

Music from Kyrie - Oxford Camerata

26. RECONS 25 - Nearby Stars (A. Riedel -
Recons 25

Reseach Consortium on Nearby Stars - RECONS.

To understand the nature of the Sun's nearest stellar neighbors,

both individually and as a population. Our primary goals are to discover "missing" members of the stellar sample within 10 parsecs (32.6 light years), and to characterize all stars and their environments within that distance limit.

27. ESA - Guide to our Galaxy - gaia

Guide to our Galaxy Gaia

Gaia was adopted within the scientific program of the European Space Agency (ESA). It measures the positions of a large number of

stars with great accuracy. This allows astronomers to determine our Galaxy's three-dimensional structure and the velocities of its stars as they move in their galactic orbits.

28. 10 Strangest Planets In Space
10 Strangest Planets

Space is unbelievably strange. You would be forgiven for thinking that every planet out there is similar, just a big ball of rock and gas, but planets are remarkably more unique.

29. Kepler 186f - Earthlike Planet in M red-dwarf system
Kepler 186f

490 light years away lies Kepler-186f, a rocky world orbiting a red-dwarf star which is the first definitive Earth-sized planet found in the habitable zone around its parent star.

30. Space Engine - A space simulation program
Space Engine

Areas of the known universe are represented using actual astronomical data, while regions uncharted by astronomy are generated procedurally. Downloads and option to donate is available on the Space engine home page

31. The Wanderers

The Wanderers - a short film

Wanderers is a short science fiction film by Erik Wernquist - a digital artist and animator from Stockholm, Sweden. Project page for The Wanderers

32. The Most Astounding Fact - Neil deGrasse Tyson
The Most Asounding Fact

Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked in an interview with TIME magazine, "What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?" This is his answer. Edited by Max Schlickenmeyer.

33. PBS Digital Studios - Interstellar Travel
Interstellar travel

PBS Digital Studios offers more than 50 original web series that explore science, arts, culture, and more. It's all at your fingertips, dive in today! The prospect of interstellar travel

is no longer Sci-Fi. It COULD be achievable within our lifetime! But, how would an interstellar rocket-ship work? On this week's episode of Space Time, Matt talks options for interstellar travel - from traditional rocket fuel to antimatter drives, could we travel to other star systems? Watch this episode of Space Time to find out!

Space Time channel

34. PBS Digital Studios - Alcubierre Warp Drive
Alcubierre Warp

Inspired by Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek, physicist Miguel Alcubierre set out to transform one of the cornerstones of science fiction

iconography, the Warp Drive, into reality. But is it even possible? Can we "warp" the fabric of reality so that we can break the speed of light? And why is NASA actually exploring this potentiality? Join Matt on this week's episode to learn the physics of what's physically possible!

Space Time channel

35. NASA - International Space Station Tour by Sunita Williams
ISS tour

This educational video depicts an inside tour of the International Space Station (ISS) with astronaut Suni Williams who shows the facts

and views of its interior in zero gravity, flying, from module to module. The ISS serves as a micro gravity and space environment research laboratory in which crew members conduct experiments in biology, human biology, physics, astronomy, meteorology, and other fields.

36. NASA - Space Shuttle - Atlantis Launch
Space Shuttle Atlantis

Space shuttle Atlantis and its six-member crew began an 11-day delivery flight to the International Space Station on Monday with a 2:28 p.m. EST

launch from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The shuttle will transport spare hardware to the outpost and return a station crew member who spent more than two months in space.

37. Mars Flyover
Race to Mars

The Race to Mars has finally started. These are the lower reaches of Mount Sharp in Gale crater which is the destination of the MSL. It was created from

NASA's HiRISE DTM and image data. This location is the Mars Base in the destination selections with the Blue Sunset.

The Mars 3D Project

38. Pluto Flyover
Pluto Flyover

Video has landscape altitudes enhanced 3:1. New Horizons will rendezvous with 2014 MU60, a dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt on January 1, 2019.

39. ISS view of Vongfong Typhoon
Vongfong Typhoon from Space

The cameras on the International Space Station captured this video of Super Typhoon Vongfong on October 9, 2014. About NASA.

NASA's Vision: We reach for new heights and reveal the unknown for the benefit of humankind.
The International Space Station

40. All Alone in the Night - Views of Earth from the International Space Station
All Alone in the Night

Many wonders are visible when flying over the Earth at night. A compliation of such visual spectacles was captured recently from the

International Space Station (ISS). Passing below are white clouds, orange city lights, lightning flashes in thunderstorms, and dark blue seas. On the horizon is the golden haze of Earth's thin atmosphere, frequently decorated by dancing auroras as the video progresses. The green parts of auroras typically remain below the space station, but the station flies right through the red and purple auroral peaks. Solar panels of the ISS are seen around the frame edges. The ominous wave of approaching brightness at the end of each sequence is just the dawn of the sunlit half of Earth, a dawn that occurs every 90 minutes.

41. Space Engine 3D worlds in 360 degrees
Space Engine Worlds 360 degree

These worlds are in a surround 360 degree views. Move the mouse inside the viewscreen to see all around the ship.

42. Space Engine - Pure Serenity
Space Engine Serenity

Space Engine is a free simulation program to explore the universe. Known areas are represented using actual astronomical data, while

regions are generated procedurally. Space Engine's author is Vladimir Romanyuk and rendering is by Eric Bruneton.

43. SpaceX Interplanetary Transport System
SpaceX ITS

SpaceX - Making Life Multiplanetary - SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. The company was

founded in 2002 to revolutionize space technology.

44. Why Should We Go To Mars?
Goto Mars

The biggest thinkers from around the world answer the question: "Why Should Humanity Go to Mars?"

From executive producers Brian Grazer & Ron Howard, MARS is an epic series following a thrilling quest - in 2032 - to colonize Mars.

45. NASA - Tour of the Moon
Moon tour

A breathtaking journey across the moon's surface. Several interesting locations include: Orientale Basin, Shackleton crater, South Pole-Aitken Basin,

Tycho crater, Aristarchus Plateau, Mare Serenitatis, Compton-Belkovich volcano, Jackson crater and Tsiolkovsky crater.

46. Planets discovered similar to Earth
Earth like planets

Top 10 Archive, a YouTube channel and website, dedicated to providing exciting and educational content. (f)

47. Journey through the Orion Nebula
Journey to the Orion Nebula Hubble's detailed images of the Orion Nebula allows a fly through simulation.

49. To the edge of the Universe
Edge of the Universe

Anton Petrov is a high school math and science teacher in Korea. In this video, he shows the principle of constant acceleration for a space ship and the speeds possible to attain. This would mean an engine type which we currently

do not have, but is possible to consider building with future technology. Using a software product, Universe Sandbox 2 game, he shows simulations and star system discoveries weekly in his online YouTube Channel - What Da Math?.

50. VR 360 tour of six real exoplanets
VR 360 tour of exoplanets

From the channel We The Curious. This 360 VR video takes you on a tour of the giant waves of Kepler-62e, and gaze across the lava fields of 55 Cancri e.

You will also visit the Trappist system, Planet 1e, LkCA 15b, WASP-121b and Osiris (Hot Jupiter) in HD-209458. We The Curious is an educational charity with an aim to "make science accessible to all" in Bristol, United Kingdom.

51. NASA Missions Take an Unparalleled Look into Superstar Eta Carinae
Eta Carina

Eta Carinae is a binary system containing the most luminous and massive star within 10,000 light-years. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

52. Cassini's Grand Finale at the end of its 13 years at Saturn.
Cassini ring photo

The Cassini spacecraft was our emissary to Saturn. Launched in 1997, the Cassini-Huygens mission, a cooperative project of NASA, ESA (the European Space Agency) and the Italian Space

Agency. Cassini traveled for seven years to reach the ringed planet and its 62 moons. Its arrival in 2004, marked the beginning of an extraordinary 13 years of discovery beginning in 2005 with the Huygens lander setting down on the moon Titan, one of the most Earth-like worlds with its own weather, climate and geology.

Music featured in Destinations

Bat For Lashes - Daniel

  Bat for Lashes
  Bat for Lashes2

Natasha Bedingfield - Strip Me

  Natasha Bedingfield

Dirty Projectors - Stillness is the Move

  Amber Coffman
  dirty projectors

Evanescence - My Immortal

  Amy Lee
  Amy Lee

Emma Louise - Jungle

  Emma Louise
  Emma on a skateboard

Paul McCartney and the Fireman - Sing The Changes

  Paul with painting for Fireman cover
  Paul in Concert with original Bass Guitar
  Paul Portrait 2018

R3HAB & Lia Marie Johnson - The Wave

  R3HAB Lia Marie Johnson
  Lia Marie 2018
Rudimental - Free (feat. Emeli Sande)

  Emeli Sande

Stu Thomson, extreme sports director par excellence, came up with an idea to film surely the most extreme sport of all

- wingsuit flying. The video sees wingsuit flyer Jokke Sommer flying across the Alps from the Eiger - filmed by another wingsuit flyer travelling behind him. The flier remembers his childhood as a bullied young boy in London, finding another kind of freedom on the roof of a tower block.

Frida Sundemo - We Are Dreamers

  Frida Sundemo
  Frida blue eyes
Symphony of Science - We Are All Connected

Symphony of Science

MP3 downloads available at Symphony of Science.

"We Are All Connected" was made from sampling Carl Sagan's Cosmos, The History Channel's Universe series,

Richard Feynman's 1983 interviews, Neil deGrasse Tyson's cosmic sermon, Eyes of Nye Series and added visuals from The Elegant Universe (NOVA), Stephen Hawking's Universe, Cosmos, the Powers of 10, and more. Symphony of Science creates tributes to great minds of science, intended to spread scientific knowledge and philosophy through the medium of music.

Tove Styrke - Baby One More Time

  Tove Styrke
  Tove in red
  Tove singing Baby One More Time

Sigma featuring Birdy - Find Me with Millie Bobby Brown

Millie Bobby Brown

Shania Twain - Up!

  Shania Twain

Waifs - Lighthouse

  The Waifs
  Waifs in a bus

Rufus Wainwright - Across the Universe

 Rufus Wainwright


Christina Aguilera - CandyMan


Alizée - J'en Ai Marre


Camila Cabello ft. Young Thug - Havana (Vertical Video)

  Colbie closeup

Colbie Caillat - Brighter than the Sun

  Colbie closeup
  Colbie Caillat

Coldplay - Up & Up


Aretha Franklin - Think (Blues Brothers)


Selena Gomez - Naturally

  Selena Gomez
  Selena Gomez naturally

George Grosman - Sensitive Kind

  George Grosman

Kiesza - Hideaway

  Kiesza with dancers

- Final Song Spotify

  momo arms askew
  mono trendy shades

Madonna - Jump

  Madonna by Peggy Sirotas

Larkin Poe - Preachin' Blues

  Larkin Poe

Lindsey Stirling & Ventribe with Alisha Popat (singer) - We Found Love

  Lindsey Stirling
Richard Strauss
Also Sprach Zarathustra
Orchestra National de Lyon
Jun Märk Conductor

  Richard Strauss

"It's not a message that I ever intend to convey in words. 2001 is a nonverbal experience; out of two hours and 19 minutes of film, there are only a little less than 40 minutes of dialog. I tried to create a visual experience, one that bypasses verbalized pigeonholing and directly penetrates the subconscious with an emotional and philosophic content..."
  - Stanley Kubrick - from a Playboy Interview

"These amazing film previews and documentaries have some mind-boggling views of our world and universe. Please support the makers of the videos and films by visiting their sites and following or buying their music. This guide has titles and image links that will take you to the original artists or company sites."

  - James - May 22, 2018